Keep calm and eat Italian food with loads of parsley and have chamomile tea before bed.Â
Why? because if you get enough of the compound apigenin found in parsley and chamomile you can significantly increase antiaging.
Apigenin is a polyphenol flavonoid with potent antioxidant properties that many bio-hackers and health enthusiasts are now taking for enhanced sleep and anti-aging benefits.
Apigenin is found in a wide range of plants and the research suggests the strength of health improvements on the heart, brain, NAD+ and anti aging benefits.
In this article we explain what Apigenin does, why you would take it, is it beneficial to take and what are the best Apigenin supplements.
To make apigenin make sense we need to quickly discuss NAD+.
NAD+ is a molecule used by many different enzymes for DNA repair and mitochondria function.Â
Have you ever wondered how your body’s energy works? It comes from mitochondria which powers up your cells like electricity to a light globe.
As we age our levels of NAD+ naturally decrease but not to worry, mice studies have shown that NAD+ can be increased along with longevity and lifespan with the use of NAD+ enhancers.
NAD+ is a large bulky unstable molecule that cannot be absorbed or digested in the gut.Â
This means we need to ingest NAD+ precursors like NMN, NR, and Niacin that are then converted into NAD+.
So why does NAD+ go down as we age?Â
Apigenin may be the answer but first it’s important to know about the enzyme CD38.
As we age the enzyme CD38 increases consistently. CD38 destroys NAD+ and its precursor NMN. This means, as we age NAD+ and mitochondrial function decreases as CD38 increases.
As NAD+ decreases so does the antiaging proteins PARPS and Sirtuans (SIRT) also decrease.
CD38 drastically increases as we age and this was proven in a study where all muscle tissues were tested.
You can see this in Figure 1.0 below:
How does CD38 prevent anti-aging proteins and enzymes from working and increase aging symptoms?
In a study of mice, they had their CD38 enzyme inhibited and the results demonstrated that their NAD+ remained constant at ALL ages and the decrease in mitochondrial function STOPPED.
The mice were living longer, exercising more regularly and exercising at greater intensity levels.
If we make sure our CD38 enzymes are reduced then as we age we can make sure our NAD+ levels remain constant and our DNA repair enzymes have all the fuel they need to function effectively.
The goal for maximum anti aging efficiency would then be to boost NAD+ and inhibit CD38.
We can pair NAD+ boosters and CD38 inhibitors together for maximum antiaging enhancement ?.
The best NAD+ boosters we have found are:
- Eternum Labs NMN:
- Thorne Niacel:
What can we do to inhibit the CD38 enzyme?
If CD38 breaks down NAD+ and NMN molecules is it essential to completely block out CD38 to increase NAD+?
It turns out we do not want to block it out completely.
Blocking out CD38 causes a range of problems like immune system decline and heart failure, we need it for other things.
The goal is to not completely block it out, but to decrease it.
Hence, we finally land on the benefits of APIGENIN…….
Apigenin is part of an antioxidant group called flavonoids and there are thousands of different flavonoids found amongst plants in nature.
Research suggests that CD38 is reduced by flavonoids and the most potent flavonoid for reducing CD38 is Apigenin. ?
Side note* Quercetin (a plant pigment with antioxidant properties) also plays a major role in reducing CD38.
What Does This Mean For Us?
The Journal of American Diabetes Association concluded that cd38 inhibitors like apigenin have positive effects on metabolic syndrome improving things like:
- Blood pressure
- Insulin sensitivity
- Blood sugar
- Obesity
Apigenin also has potential to act as an anticancer agent.
This is exciting but still needs to be proven out by long term human studies.
Pure apigen is unstable for long term storage and needs to be stored under -20 Degrees celsius.
Common apigenin concerns are the low solubility and low bioavailability.
Can We Absorb Apigenin?
Human trials show that we absorb apigenin through our gut bacteria.
The bacteria in our gut can break down larger apigenin molecules to smaller apigenin molecules called glycocyte conjugates which are water soluble and more bioavailable.
Apigenin molecules as glycocyte conjugates are more water soluble than apigenin and we can absorb them much more efficiently.
Furthermore, the best bioavailability is when apigenin is bound to beta glycosides (a molecule of sugar that comes from food).
When we have a diet with foods like parsley, especially dried parsley which has a high content of apigenin that is bound to the beta glycosides, it increases the digestibility. Hence, if supplement with apigenin when we eat food like parsley it increases the quality of absorption.
Gut bacteria plays a major role in how we digest and absorb apigenin where it can have an effect of CD38.
What Can You Do?
Taking apigenin reduces CD38, so what causes it to increase?
Pro-inflammatory agents can increase age-related increases due to CD38 expression.
This means if NAD+ goes down, then CD38 will further increase further decreasing NAD+.
Therefore, it’s up to you to try to ensure and get your daily dose of Apigenin.
How are you going to do it?
There are a few different options seen below.
Recommended Dosage:
Using a conversion factor from the mice study to the human study shows we need 3-10 mg per body weight in kilograms which is a large range.
For an 80kg person that ranges between 240mg – 800 mg
The median here is 520mg.
This was when injected so we don’t know how much for data.
Due to this many people in the industry are experimenting with could be recommended to have 1g of apigenin per day.
Hence, it is important to eat foods high in apigenin like:
- Parsley
- Chamomile
- Celery
- Carrots
- Artichokes
- Red wine
- Oregano
You can get a decent dosage of apigenin in parsley. Here are the options:
- Dried parsley: 130-140 mg/g
- Fresh parsley: 13-15 mg/g
That’s a lot of parsley!
You can also take chamomile extract. Studies have shown that taking 200mg – 500mg per kg of body weight 3 times a day can have the best results for memory, anxiety, body weight and blood pressure.Â
Standardised apigenin is shown to be 1.2% of chamomile extract.
We hope this article serves you well.
Thank you for reading and choosing to live a high performance life.
The Eternum Labs Team